Inline Markup

emphasis, strong emphasis, interpreted text, inline literal.

*emphasis*,  **strong emphasis**, `interpreted text`, ``inline literal``.


.. _reference:


  • item list

  • no extra space before dash

    • add blank line above

      echo 2+2;
    • keep alignment and can use more lines

- item
- list

  - add blank line above

    .. code-block:: php

        echo 2+2;

  - keep alignment
    and you can use more lines

Numeric Lists

  1. Numeric List

  2. is auto-numbered

    1. use line above and below
    1. or single space in alignment
    2. various numbering options
    1. sometimes ‘#’ fails
    2. so use numbers
  3. here ‘#’ works though.

1. Numeric List
#. is auto-numbered

   #. use line above

    a. or single space in alignment
    #. various numbering options

   #. sometimes '#' fails
   #. so use numbers
#. here '#' works though.

Definition Lists

definition list

here is example:

echo 2+2;
inline code

can be also used.

definition list
    here is example::

        echo 2+2;
inline code
    can be also used.

    .. code-block:: json


Option Lists

-a option list start with ‘-‘ and a line
--arguments will have a special treatment
/dos for application arguments
-a           option list start with '-' and a line
--arguments  will have a special treatment
/dos         for application arguments

Section Structure


Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with
a nonalphanumeric character at least as long as the

A lone top-level section is lifted up to be the
document's title
class faketitle


Titles are underlined (or over- and underlined) with a nonalphanumeric character at least as long as the text.

A lone top-level section is lifted up to be the document’s title


This is a paragraph.

Paragraphs line up at their left edges, and are
normally separated by blank lines.

This is a paragraph.

Paragraphs line up at their left edges, and are normally separated by blank lines.

A paragraph containing only two colons indicates
the following indented or quoted text is a literal
block or quoted text is a literal block.


  Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and  all kinds of
  markup (like *this* or \this) is preserved here.

You can also tack the ``::`` at the end of a

   It's very convenient to use this form.

Per-line quoting can also be used for unindented

> Useful for quotes from email and
> for Haskell literate programming.

A paragraph containing only two colons indicates that the following indented or quoted text is a literal block.

Whitespace, newlines, blank lines, and
all kinds of markup (like *this* or
\this) is preserved by literal blocks.

You can also tack the :: at the end of a paragraph:

It's very convenient to use this form.

Per-line quoting can also be used for unindented blocks:

> Useful for quotes from email and
> for Haskell literate programming.
| Line blocks are useful for addresses,
| verse, and adornment-free lists.
| Each new line begins with a
| vertical bar ("|").
|     Line breaks and initial indents
|     are preserved.
| Continuation lines are wrapped
  portions of long lines; they begin
  with spaces in place of vertical bars.
Line blocks are useful for addresses,
verse, and adornment-free lists.

Each new line begins with a
vertical bar (“|”).
Line breaks and initial indents
are preserved.
Continuation lines are wrapped portions of long lines; they begin with spaces in place of vertical bars.
Block quotes are just:

    Indented paragraphs,

        and they may nest.

Block quotes are just:

Indented paragraphs,

and they may nest.
Doctest blocks are interactive
Python sessions. They begin with
"``>>>``" and end with a blank line.

>>> print "This is a doctest block."
This is a doctest block.

Doctest blocks are interactive Python sessions. They begin with “>>>” and end with a blank line.

>>> print "This is a doctest block."
This is a doctest block.


There are two syntaxes for tables in reStructuredText. Grid tables are complete but cumbersome to create. Simple tables are easy to create but limited (no row spans, etc.).

Header 1 Header 2 Header 3
body row 1 column 2 column 3
body row 2 Cells may span columns.
body row 3 Cells may span rows.
  • Cells
  • contain
  • blocks.
body row 4
Inputs Output
A B A or B
False False False
True False True
False True True
True True True


Explicit Markup

Explicit markup blocks are used for constructs which float (footnotes), have no direct paper-document representation (hyperlink targets, comments), or require specialized processing (directives). They all begin with two periods and whitespace, the “explicit markup start”.

Footnote references, like [5]_.
Note that footnotes may get
rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of
the "page".

.. [5] A numerical footnote. Note
   there's no colon after the ``]``.

Footnote references, like [5]. Note that footnotes may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the “page”.

[5]A numerical footnote. Note there’s no colon after the ].
Autonumbered footnotes are
possible, like using [#]_ and [#]_.

.. [#] This is the first one.
.. [#] This is the second one.

They may be assigned 'autonumber
labels' - for instance,
[#fourth]_ and [#third]_.

.. [#third] a.k.a. third_

.. [#fourth] a.k.a. fourth_

Autonumbered footnotes are possible, like using [1] and [2].

[1]This is the first one.
[2]This is the second one.

They may be assigned ‘autonumber labels’ - for instance, [4] and [3].

[3]a.k.a. third
[4]a.k.a. fourth
Auto-symbol footnotes are also
possible, like this: [*]_ and [*]_.

.. [*] This is the first one.
.. [*] This is the second one.

Auto-symbol footnotes are also possible, like this: [*] and [†].

[*]This is the first one.
[†]This is the second one.
Citation references, like [CIT2002]_.
Note that citations may get
rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of
the "page".

.. [CIT2002] A citation
   (as often used in journals).

Citation labels contain alphanumerics,
underlines, hyphens and fullstops.
Case is not significant.

Given a citation like [this]_, one
can also refer to it like this_.

.. [this] here.

Citation references, like [CIT2002]. Note that citations may get rearranged, e.g., to the bottom of the “page”.

[CIT2002]A citation (as often used in journals).

Citation labels contain alphanumerics, underlines, hyphens and fullstops. Case is not significant.

Given a citation like [this], one can also refer to it like this.

External hyperlinks, like Python_.

.. _Python:
External hyperlinks, like Python.
External hyperlinks, like `Python
External hyperlinks, like Python.
Internal crossreferences, like example_.

.. _example:

This is an example crossreference target.

Internal crossreferences, like example.

This is an example crossreference target.

Python_ is `my favourite
programming language`__.

.. _Python:

__ Python_
Python is my favourite programming language.
Titles are targets, too

Implict references, like `Titles are targets, too`_.
class faketitle

Titles are targets, too

Implict references, like Titles are targets, too.

Directives are a general-purpose extension mechanism, a way of adding support for new constructs without adding new syntax. For a description of all standard directives, see reStructuredText Directives (
For instance:

.. image:: magnetic-balls.jpg
   :width: 40pt

For instance:

Substitutions are like inline directives, allowing graphics and arbitrary constructs within text.
The |biohazard| symbol must be used on containers used to
dispose of medical waste.

.. |biohazard| image:: biohazard.png
   :align: middle
   :width: 12
The biohazard symbol must be used on containers used to dispose of medical waste.
Any text which begins with an explicit markup start but doesn’t use the syntax of any of the constructs above, is a comment.
.. This text will not be shown
   (but, for instance, in HTML might be
   rendered as an HTML comment)
An "empty comment" does not
consume following blocks.
(An empty comment is ".." with
blank lines before and after.)


        So this block is not "lost",
        despite its indentation.

An “empty comment” does not consume following blocks. (An empty comment is ”..” with blank lines before and after.)

So this block is not “lost”, despite its indentation.


class tablacreditos
CP Font from LiquiType:
Magnetic Balls V2 image by fdecomite:
Sponsored by Net Managers
Typeset using rst2pdf